Hey Realtor!

Do you want to stand out from your competition & build client loyalty?

Exclusive Opportunity! We only take ONE realtor per area.

Claim Your Areas!


Only $750 Per Year!

This entire program values at over $2000 and we are offering it for only $750 per year

Below you will see exactly how this works and what we will do to equip you for success!

What we will do for you

What Is Rectify Service Directory?

We have launched a Florida based service directory that only shows 3 businesses, per category, per area, with one little exception. When it comes to real estate agents, we are actively seeking only ONE realtor to exclusively own one city on our directory. When you sign up to be the one realtor, per area, we will give you an entire marketing program that will push your clients to this directory, creating an everlasting relationship after you close their deal.

Real estate agents struggle to stay top of mind with their clients after their deal and this initiative closes the gap. PLUS the more relationships and perks you can give to your professional network, will increase the referrals you get from them also. It’s a double-edged sword that pays out big!!

Custom Landing Page

Personalized Magnets

Printed Postcards

Banner Ads

Website Seal

Fill out the form to see if your area is available!

What Next?

It’s now your turn to tell your entire network about this so they can gain additional exposure! How do you do that?


We will write a custom email for you to send to your entire network that outlines why they should join the directory


We will design, print, and deliver a stack of postcards to hand out to your network as well for them to sign up


We will give you a discount code to send to your network, making you a local hero!